wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2019

Gigi Hadid’s Attorney Wants The Instagram Paparazzi Photo Drama Thrown Out Of Court

An lawyer representing Gigi Hadid wants the lawsuit a paparazzi photo agency filed against her for posting an image of herself on Instagram dismissed.

In a statement to BuzzFeed News, the attorney, John Quinn, called the lawsuit “meritless” and filed a pre-motion to dismiss letter in response to the photo agency’s complaint.

“It is one thing for paparazzi to exploit Ms. Hadid’s fame and image for their own profit, but it is quite another to bring a meritless copyright case in an effort to shake her down,” Quinn’s statement read.

In January, Hadid was hit with a lawsuit from the New York City-based photo agency Xclusive-Lee, who accused the model of copyright infringement for posting a professional photo of herself without permission.

“Hadid had first-hand knowledge that copying and posting photographs, of herself or other subject matters, to her Instagram or other social media accounts that she did not properly license or otherwise receive permission from the copyright holder constituted copyright infringement,” the Xclusive-Lee said of the now-deleted image.

The firm behind Hadid — Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP — detailed in a complaint its issues with Xclusive-Lee’s claims.

Kaplan Hecker & Fink say the photo agency wasn’t the “author” of the photograph in question, which showed Hadid looking straight to camera wearing a denim outfit and silver high heels, saying, “Xclusive does not allege that it owned or had an exclusive license for the photograph at the time of the alleged infringement.”

Hadid’s attorney argued the supermodel simply reposting an image of herself “was lawful and appropriate” under fair use, calling it “an implied license, and therefore not actionable.”

“In short, this lawsuit appears to be nothing more than an effort to extract money from Ms. Hadid,” the supermodel’s attorney representation said, “presumably based on a calculation that, even in a meritless case like this, the anticipated costs of litigation would cause Ms. Hadid to pay out a relatively modest settlement.”

Read the complete complaint below:

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U.S. Border Patrol Accused of Forcing Migrant Families Sleeping Outside to Wake Up and Stand Every Three Hours

Debris from India’s anti-satellite test could put the space station at risk, says NASA

Debris from India’s anti-satellite test could put the space station at risk, says NASA

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แฉ เจ้าหน้าที่ทำเนียบขาว 25 คน เข้าถึงข้อมูลลับได้แม้ไม่ผ่านการสอบประวัติ

เจ้าหน้าที่ทำเนียบขาวรายหนึ่งเปิดเผยกับคณะกรรมาธิการสภาผู้แทนราษฎรสหรัฐฯ ว่า บุคคลที่ทำงานในรัฐบาลประธานาธิบดี โดนัลด์ ทรัมป์ อย่างน้อย 25 คน ได้รับอนุมัติให้เข้าถึงข้อมูลลับทั้งๆ ที่ถูกปฏิเสธในขั้นตอนตรวจสอบประวัติ

ผู้เปิดโปงเรื่องนี้คือ ทริเชีย นิวโบล์ด (Tricia Newbold) ซึ่งรับหน้าที่ตรวจสอบประวัติบุคคลที่สามารถเข้าถึงข้อมูลสำคัญของรัฐ มาเป็นเวลา 18 ปี ทั้งในรัฐบาลของประธานาธิบดีจากพรรคเดโมเเครตและรีพับลิกัน

เมื่อเดือนที่แล้ว เธอบอกกับคณะกรรมาธิการสภาผู้แทนฯ ว่า แม้ประธานาธิบดีทรัมป์สามารถใช้อำนาจพิเศษให้บุคคลที่ถูกปฏิเสธการเข้าถึงข้อมูลลับได้รับสิทธิ์นั้น แต่เธอกล่าวว่าบางครั้งการเดินเรื่องลักษณะนี้อาจไม่ได้ทำโดยเห็นแก่ประโยชน์สูงสุดของชาติเรื่องความมั่นคงเป็นที่ตั้ง

ส.ส.อิลิจาห์ คัมมิงส์ (Elijah Cummings) ประธานคณะกรรมาธิการที่รับข้อมูลจาก ทริเชีย นิวโบล์ด กล่าวว่า เหตุผลที่คนเหล่านั้นถูกปฏิเสธในขั้นตอนตรวจสอบมีทั้งเรื่องผลประโยชน์ทับซ้อน ปัญหาการเงิน การใช้ยาเสพติด และประวัติอาชญากรรม

ขณะเดียวกันก็กล่าวว่า เธอถูกพักงานเป็นเวลา 14 วัน โดยไม่ได้รับเงินเดือนในปีนี้ หลังจากมีข้อถกเถียงเรื่องดังกล่าว และเป็นกังวลว่าจะกลับไปทำงานอีกได้หรือไม่ เมื่อเธอเปิดเผยตัวตนต่อสาธารณะไปแล้ว

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Dobbeltdrapstiltalt funnet utilregnelig – dømt til behandling – Adresseavisen

  1. Dobbeltdrapstiltalt funnet utilregnelig – dømt til behandling  Adresseavisen
  2. 18-åring dømt til tvungent psykisk helsevern for dobbeltdrap i Trondheim  Aftenposten
  3. 18-åring dømt til tvungent psykisk helsevern for dobbeltdrapet i Trondheim høsten 2018
  4. Dømt til tvungent psykisk helsevern – NRK Trøndelag – Lokale nyheter, TV og radio  NRK
  5. 18-åring dømt for dobbeltdrap i Trondheim  TV 2
  6. Se alt om saken på Google Nyheter

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Scientists find likely source of methane on Mars

The mystery of methane on Mars may finally be solved as scientists on Monday confirmed the presence of the life-indicating gas on the Red Planet as well as where it might have come from.

In the 15 years since a European probe reported traces of the gas in the Martian atmosphere, debate has raged over the accuracy of the readings showing methane, which on Earth is produced by simple lifeforms.

Because methane gas dissipates relatively quickly – within around 12 years on Earth – and due to the difficulty of observing Mars’ atmosphere, many scientists questioned previous studies that relied on a single data set.

Now an international team of experts have compared observations from two separate spacecraft, taken just one day apart in 2013, to find independent proof of methane on our neighbouring planet.

Furthermore, they conducted two parallel experiments to determine the most likely source of methane on Mars to be an ice sheet east of Gale Crater – itself long assumed to be a dried up lake.

“This is very exciting and largely unexpected,” Marco Giuranna, from Rome’s National Astrophysics Institute, told AFP.

“Two completely independent lines of investigation pointed to the same general area of the most likely source for the methane.”

Europe’s Mars Express probe measured 15.5 parts per billion in the atmosphere above the Gale Crater on June 16, 2013. The presence of methane in the vicinity was confirmed by readings taken 24 hours earlier by NASA’s Curiosity rover.

Using the data, Giuranna and the team divided the region around the crater into grids of 250 by 250km2.

One study then ran a million computer-modelled emissions scenarios for each section while another team studied images of the planet surface for features associated on Earth with the release of methane.

‘Indicator of life’

The most likely source was a sheet of frozen methane beneath a rock formation, which the team believes periodically ejects the gas into the atmosphere.

Giuranna said that while methane is a sign of life on Earth, its presence on Mars doesn’t necessarily constitute evidence of something similar on the Red Planet.

“Methane is important because it could be an indicator of microbial life,” he said. “But life is not required to explain these detections because methane can be produced by abiotic processes.”

“Though not a direct biosignature of life, methane can add to the habitability of martian settings, as certain types of microbes can use methane as a source of carbon and energy,” he added.

Though there is no liquid water on Mars, the European Space Agency said in February its imaging equipment had shown further evidence of dried up river beds, suggesting the Red Planet may once have been home to simple organisms.

Giuranna said that further research was needed to determine the extent of the methane ice sheet near Gale Crater.

If founded to be extensive, the methane it contains “could support a sustained human presence” on Mars as a possible source of fuel for industrial processes and a propellant for returning manned missions to Earth, he said.

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«Sie kam aggressiv auf uns zu» – News Zürich: Region

Eine 38-jährige Frau hat am Samstagabend beobachtet, wie eine Gruppe Jugendlicher am Bahnhof Embrach einen Selecta-Automaten mit Fusstritten traktierte. Als sie die jungen Leute zurechtweisen wollte, wurde die Frau angegriffen. Sie wurde beschimpft, geschlagen und getreten, wie die Polizei am Sonntag mitteilte. Dann verschwanden die Jugendlichen mit dem Zug. Die Frau musste mit mittelschweren Verletzungen ins Spital gebracht werden.

Zahlreiche Menschen zeigten sich schockiert darüber, dass eine Frau, die Zivilcourage zeigt, derart angegriffen wird. Doch nun meldet sich im «Blick» einer der beteiligten Jugendlichen zu Wort. Der 16-Jährige aus Eglisau stellt die Situation anders dar. Er und sein 16-jähriger Kollege gehörten zur Gruppe, ebenso die 16-jährige Freundin seines Kollegen. In Embrach trafen sie sich mit weiteren Jugendlichen.

Jugendliche stellten sich selbst

Einer von ihnen habe am Automaten Beef Jerky kaufen wollen, die Packung sei jedoch steckengeblieben. Deshalb habe sein Kollege gegen den Automaten getreten, erzählt der 16-jährige Eglisauer. Dann seien sie von der Frau angepöbelt worden. «Sie schrie uns quer übers Perron an und kam aggressiv auf uns zu.» Zudem habe sie ihre Mütter beleidigt.

Schliesslich habe sie die Freundin seines Kollegen an der Schulter gepackt, worauf sich die anderen Kollegen eingemischt hätten. Als sie auch die Freundin eines Embracher Kollegen angefasst habe, habe dieser sie verteidigen wollen. Er habe ihr mit der Faust in die Rippen geschlagen. Dann sei die Frau umgekippt. Trotzdem finde er die Aktion des 17-Jährigen nicht richtig, sagte er im «Blick».

Er selbst sei nur dabeigestanden. Nun sei ihm klar, dass sie die Polizei hätten rufen sollen. Die Gruppe habe sich am Sonntag selbst der Polizei gestellt, sagt der Eglisauer. Die verletzte Frau war gegenüber dem «Blick» für eine Stellungnahme nicht erreichbar.

Auf Anfrage des TA sagt eine Sprecherin der Zürcher Oberjugendanwaltschaft, dass derzeit einzig klar sei, dass es am Samstagabend beim Bahnhof Embrach zu einer tätlichen Auseinandersetzung gekommen sei. «Es zeigt sich, dass offenbar verschiedene Darstellungen des genauen Tathergangs existieren. Dies ist durchaus nicht unüblich», sagt sie weiter. Ziel der durch die Jugendanwaltschaft Unterland geführten Untersuchung sei es nun, den relevanten Sachverhalt zu ermitteln. Alle fünf Jugendliche wurden aus dem Gewahrsam entlassen. Es gilt für alle Beteiligten die Unschuldsvermutung.

(Übernommen von «20 Minuten», ergänzt vom TA)

Erstellt: 02.04.2019, 15:07 Uhr

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Microsoft Windows 10 gewinnt an Marktanteil –

  1. Microsoft Windows 10 gewinnt an Marktanteil
  2. Jetzt prüfen: Diese Version von Windows 10 kriegt keine Security-Updates mehr  CHIP Online Deutschland
  3. Mehr zum Thema in Google News

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Here’s Why Everyone’s Freaking Out Over This Photo Of Taylor Swift’s Ring

Facebook, Twitter sucked into India-Pakistan information war

Iron Man 3 Revisited – /Film

Iron Man 3 Revisited

(Welcome to Road to Endgame, where we revisit all 22 movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and ask, “How did we get here?” In this edition: Iron Man 3 brings a personal style to the MCU, even as it stumbles in the homestretch.)

After six films culminating in an unprecedented crossover, the Marvel Cinematic Universe had arrived. The Avengers set a new standard for summer blockbusters, though the concern going forward (for skeptics, and presumably for studio execs) was one of diminishing returns. Iron Man’s first solo outing after the battle of New York was tasked with bringing audiences back for more, while also establishing Marvel’s ability to tell new kinds of stories. In effect, it had to dramatize moving on from the world of The Avengers, while taking place entirely within it.

Simply put, the question Iron Man 3 had to answer was, “What comes next?” Would Marvel come close to rivaling the spectacle of its first team-up? Well, no. Then again, perhaps it didn’t have to. Iron Man 3 is nothing like The Avengers. In fact, it barely has anything in common with Iron Man and Iron Man 2, though what it does have — despite yet another vaguely defined character arc — is something only a handful of Marvel movies can boast.

It has a unique sense of identity.

Black to Basics

Outside the odd oblique tilt in Thor (and some self-contained, silent drama in The Incredible Hulk), Captain America: The First Avenger was arguably the only “Phase 1” film to sidestep the genre’s visual trappings. You can thank Joe Johnston of The Rocketeer for that, but not every Marvel movie has the luxury of a period-adventure sandbox.

Even The Avengers, which delivered some of the finest blockbuster spectacle this decade, didn’t make particularly great use of visual storytelling until its final battle. Its major third-act beats worked because they translated character into action; for instance, the fluid long-take where the Avengers fight in tandem for the first time. One of its only non-action scenes, where subtext was expressed visually — Captain America’s silent stroll through an unfamiliar world — was cut from the film.

For the most part, Marvel movies rely on straightforward dialogue to deliver emotional information. Iron Man 3 however, feels like the first entry in the series where the filmmakers were granted visual leeway. For once, the end result was not, as critic Matt Zoller Seitz puts it, a “movie-flavored product.”

Despite the studio notes it was forced to adhere to (like swapping its female villain for a male one to sell more toys)Iron Man 3 is a Shane Black film through-and-through. Its tonal consistency is entirely a function of its story. Black often sets his films around Christmas because he feels the holiday “represents a little stutter in the march of days, a hush in which we have a chance to assess and retrospect our lives.” When Christmas arrives for Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), he’s alone in a remote Tennessee locale, far flung from Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) and Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), the loved ones he put in danger.

Stark’s story began with him building armour to escape a remote cave. Here, for the first time in the series, he’s forced to find a way out of his isolation without the help of his suits. The stage is set for Stark to reflect on his decisions, and on his post-Avengers identity as it relates to the Iron Man persona. The film doesn’t quite stick the landing when it comes to these themes, but it finds an exciting momentum in the way it articulates them.

Black and cinematographer John Toll (The Thin Red Line, Cloud Atlas) depart from the bright palette of The Avengers to deliver a darker entry, both visually and emotionally. The entire film feels frigid even before Stark gets stuck in the snow. Cold lighting defines the texture of each space, and the muted tones of the productions design are interrupted only by deep-red explosions. The film is drab without being dour, and the characters constantly have to fight their way out of shadows.

In several scenes, the camera observes instead of empathizing. We see Pepper Potts’ meeting with Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) through Happy Hogan’s eyes, as he sits in the distance, relaying the information to Stark over the phone. Black, like Hogan, is people-watching, and the visual framing constantly prevents Stark from connecting with those around him. After Stark’s home is attacked, he’s forcefully ejected from his own narrative and launched thousands of miles away. Physically, and emotionally, he could not be more distant.

The fluid cinematography, combined with the fluidity of Black’s action and dialogue (the script was co-written by Drew Pearce) gives Iron Man 3 a distinctly “cinematic” texture — that is to say, one heavily reliant on non-dialogue audio and visuals to convey meaning — the kind few Marvel films can claim. Downey Jr. underscores the affair with his dry wit as usual, and his emotional separation becomes necessary so that Iron Man can (re)define himself in relation to other people.

Despite the distancing quality of the group scenes, the film extends beyond observational exercise at just the right moments. Its point-of-view shifts jarringly when Stark’s P.T.S.D. comes to the fore. The frame closes in on him with furor, until all we can see, or feel, is panic. Iron Man 3 is at its most potent when exploring the psychological effects of The Avengers on Stark, though unfortunately, there also comes a point when this vital story thread is haphazardly brushed aside.  

Nothing’s Been the Same Since New York

Tony Stark was once known as Marvel’s alcoholic superhero — Demon in a Bottle (1979) is his most instrumental story — and while the character’s alcoholism never finds its way into the films, Stark’s addict nature manifests in different forms. In Iron Man 3, his addiction is to building protective armour, and it’s exacerbated by trauma.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Andrea Letamendi argues that Stark’s symptoms could, in fact, be interpreted as Post-traumatic stress disorder, or P.T.S.D. He seems to display four key factors for diagnosis:

  • Avoidance of potential trauma triggers that lead to anxiety.
  • Hyper-arousal (he’s been awake for 72 hours when the film begins).
  • Vivid recollection via dreams and visions.
  • Functional impairment with regards to personal relationships.

More pertinently, Tony Stark is also more vulnerable to P.T.S.D. than the average human being, owing to what Letamendi calls “re-deployment.” Stark has been experiencing and re-experiencing trauma since the very first scene in Iron Man. His car was bombed, he had shrapnel lodged in his chest, he was kidnapped and tortured, and he spent the rest of the series embroiled in violent conflict. The Iron Man armour is as much an addiction as it is a symptom, not unlike P.T.S.D.-afflicted soldiers sleeping with guns by their bedside (Stark even calls to one of his suits in his sleep).

There are now 42 versions of the Iron Man armour, each created for different contingencies. The 42nd, which Stark operates remotely from his workspace, has even begun to replace him in his interactions with Potts. He’s frozen in the moment he flew through the wormhole above New York City, and his technology has consumed him,

The film dramatizes Stark’s symptoms with aplomb. The leering, distant camera is traded in for rapid zooms and uncomfortable close ups when his anxiety rears its head. The visual shifts feel inescapable; the lens becomes another wall closing in on Stark as we, the audience, poke and prod into his psyche, intruding on both his personal space and his most traumatic memories.

Stark’s experiences in The Avengers are collectively referred to as “New York.” This, coupled with his vengeful, self-destructive attitude towards vaguely Middle Eastern terrorist The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) calls to mind America’s own post-9/11 political tenor — albeit to no real end, despite the potential for exploring wartime paranoia.

However, Stark’s specific road to recovery makes Iron Man 3 a noteworthy sequel. In the context of Marvel’s shared-universe, his arc in this film involves letting go of his own origin story, and his journey to doing so means moving past the events of The Avengers. As much as Iron Man 3 is about defining Iron Man outside of his suits, it’s also about defining this larger narrative outside its most recognizable moments.

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เปิดตัว Nokia X71 มือถือจอมีรูพร้อมชิป Snapdragon 660 และกล้องหลัง 3 ตัวเลนส์ ZEISS ความละเอียดสูงสุด 48MP

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ปุ่ม Power เรืองแสง แจ้ง Notification

ปุ่ม Power ของ Nokia X71 ที่อยู่ทางขอบเครื่องด้านขวายังถูกออกแบบมาให้มีไฟกระพริบแจ้งเตือนเหล่า Notification ต่างๆ ได้อีกด้วย

สเปค Nokia X71

  • หน้าจอ PureDisplay ขนาด 6.39 นิ้ว ความละเอียด FHD+ อัตราส่วน 19.3 : 9
  • CPU : Snapdragon 660 AIE
  • RAM : 6GB
  • ความจุ : 128GB รองรับ MicroSD Card 256GB
  • กล้องหลัง : เลนส์หลัก 48MP (f/1.8) + Ultra-Wide 120° 8MP + เลนส์จับความลึก 5MP (f/2.4)
  • กล้องหน้า : 16MP (f/2.0)
  • ระบบเสียง : รูหูฟัง 3.5 มม., ลำโพงเดี่ยว+ระบบ Smart Loudspeaker, ระบบบันทึกเสียง OZO 360°
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  • การเชื่อมต่อ : GSM: 850, 900, 1800, 1900; WCDMA: 1, 2, 5, 8; FDD-LTE: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 28; FDD-LTE: 38, 40, 41; Cat., WIFI 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, BT 5.0
  • แบตเตอรี่ : 3500 mAh รองรับชาร์จไว 18W
  • ระบบ Android 9.0 (Android One)
  • ขนาด / น้ำหนัก : 157.19 x 76.45 x 7.98 มม. / 180 กรัม
  • สีที่วางจำหน่าย : สีดำ Eclipse Black

Nokia X71 เปิดราคาในไต้หวันมาที่ 11,900 ดอลลาร์ไต้หวัน หรือราวๆ 12,229 บาท โดยจะเริ่มวางขายตั้งแต่วันที่ 30 เมษายน 2019 เป็นต้นไป ส่วนในประเทศอื่นๆ คาดว่าจะใช้ชื่อ Nokia 8.1 Plus แทน แต่ตอนนี้ยังไม่รู้ว่าจะมีประเทศไหนบ้าง เอาไว้ถ้ามีข้อมูลแล้วเราจะมาอัพเดทให้อีกทีครับ


ที่มา : Nokia, GSMArena

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İstanbul’da 3 ilçede oylar yeniden sayılacak

Beykoz, Çekmeköy ve Fatih İlçe Seçim Kurulları, AK Parti’nin talebini gerekçe göstererek geçersiz oyların yeniden sayılmasına karar verdi.

İstanbul’da 3 ilçede geçersiz oyların yeniden sayılmasına karar verildi. Beykoz, Fatih ve Çekmeköy İlçe Seçim Kurulu yapılan itirazları dikkate alarak geçersiz oyların yeniden ve tüm partilerin müşahitleri huzurunda sayılmasına karar verdi.

Beykoz İlçe Seçim Kurulu, Fatih ve Çekmeköy İlçe Seçim Kurulu geçersiz oyların yeniden sayılmasına karar verdi. Bilindiği gibi Beykoz’da 5 bin 352, Fatih’te 7 bin 354, Çekmeköy’de 5 bin 684 geçersiz oy vardı.

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Frode Berg varetektsfengslet i seks nye måneder

First software update arrives for Huawei P30 Pro

Huawei P30 Pro has received its first software update just days after it was unveiled in Paris. The new update, which is apparently rolling out as an over-the-air (OTA) package, enables the Always on Display feature of the smartphone to work with the third-party app notifications.

There are also improvements for the camera, fingerprint unlock, and audio experiences of the Huawei P30 Pro. Notably, the latest update comes ahead of the availability of the flagship Huawei model. The phone is currently listed for pre-orders in select countries.

As per the screenshots posted by Twitter user, Paul O’Brien, the latest Huawei P30 Pro update brings EMUI version with build number C431E4R2P2.

The update most prominently upgrades the Always on Display feature by enabling notifications from third-party apps when the screen is off. The feature, which is also available on other Huawei phones, including the Huawei P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro was previously limited to just the pre-loaded apps.

The changelog featured on the posted screenshots shows that the update also optimises the camera performance of the Huawei P30 Pro in certain scenarios.

Also, it fixes the audio issue that was affecting the playback experience specifically of the Instagram videos. The update additionally improves fingerprint unlock performance and comes with the March 2019 Android security patch. There is also a fix for the pre-installed SwiftKey keyboard.

The update is 404MB in size and is already rolling out. The update will pop up as the first software update for the consumers who buy the phone over the next few weeks.

Credit: Digital Street SA

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20 Minuten – «Sie kam aggressiv auf uns zu»

Eine 38-jährige Frau hat am Samstagabend beobachtet, wie eine Gruppe Jugendlicher am Bahnhof Embrach einen Selecta-Automaten mit Fusstritten traktierte. Als sie die jungen Leute zurechtweisen wollte, wurde die Frau angegriffen. Sie wurde beschimpft, geschlagen und getreten, wie die Polizei am Sonntag mitteilte. Dann verschwanden die Jugendlichen mit dem Zug. Die Frau musste mit mittelschweren Verletzungen ins Spital gebracht werden.

Zahlreiche Menschen zeigten sich schockiert darüber, dass eine Frau, die Zivilcourage zeigt, derart angegriffen wird. Doch nun meldet sich im «Blick» einer der beteiligten Jugendlichen zu Wort. Der 16-Jährige aus Eglisau stellt die Situation anders dar. Er und sein 16-jähriger Kollege gehörten zur Gruppe, ebenso die 16-jährige Freundin seines Kollegen. In Embrach trafen sie sich mit weiteren Jugendlichen.

Jugendliche stellten sich selbst

Einer von ihnen habe am Automaten Beef Jerky kaufen wollen, die Packung sei jedoch steckengeblieben. Deshalb habe sein Kollege gegen den Automaten getreten, erzählt der 16-jährige Eglisauer. Dann seien sie von der Frau angepöbelt worden. «Sie schrie uns quer übers Perron an und kam aggressiv auf uns zu.» Zudem habe sie ihre Mütter beleidigt. Er glaubt, dass die Frau unter Drogeneinfluss gestanden sei. «Es schien, als wäre sie high.»

Schliesslich habe sie die Freundin seines Kollegen an der Schulter gepackt, worauf sich die anderen Kollegen eingemischt hätten. Als sie auch die Freundin eines Embracher Kollegen angefasst habe, habe dieser sie verteidigen wollen. Er habe ihr mit der Faust in die Rippen geschlagen. Dann sei die Frau umgekippt. «Von Faustschlägen ins Gesicht kann nicht die Rede sein.» Trotzdem finde er die Aktion des 17-Jährigen nicht richtig, sagte er gegenüber dem «Blick».

Er selbst sei nur dabeigestanden. Nun sei ihm klar, dass sie die Polizei hätten rufen sollen. Die Gruppe habe sich am Sonntag selbst der Polizei gestellt, sagt der Eglisauer. Die verletzte Frau war gegenüber dem Blick für eine Stellungnahme nicht erreichbar.


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Jennifer Garner Announces Book on April Fools’ Day 2019

Rumors that UK government told it cannot hold new Brexit vote: BBC political editor

LONDON (Reuters) – There are suggestions that Britain’s government has been told it will not be allowed to bring Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal back for a fourth vote, the BBC’s political editor said on Tuesday.

Parliament’s speaker John Bercow said there needed to be significant changes to May’s deal before it could be brought back for a third vote last week. Brexit minister Steve Barclay has hinted that May might bring the deal back to lawmakers again this week.

“Whispers this morning that clerks in Commons have made it clear to govt that Bercow would not allow them to bring back the deal for another vote – one source says this is a ‘Big Problem’,” the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg said on Twitter.

“Speaker’s office says not decided yet – let’s see.”

(This version was refiled to change headline)

Reporting by Alistair Smout; editing by Michael Holden

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Spiontiltalte Frode Berg ført ut av rettssalen i Moskva

Indian missile test endangers International Space Stati…

Jim Bridenstine was addressing employees of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration five days after India shot down a low-orbiting satellite in a missile test to prove it was among the world’s advanced space powers.

Not all of the pieces were big enough to track, Bridenstine explained. “What we are tracking right now, objects big enough to track – we’re talking about 10 centimeters or bigger – about 60 pieces have been tracked.”

The Indian satellite was destroyed at a relatively low altitude of 300km, well below the ISS and most satellites in orbit.

But 24 of the pieces “are going above the apogee of the International Space Station,” said Bridenstine.

“That is a terrible, terrible thing to create an event that sends debris at an apogee that goes above the International Space Station,” he continued, adding: “That kind of activity is not compatible with the future of human spaceflight.”

“It’s unacceptable and NASA needs to be very clear about what its impact to us is.”

The US military tracks objects in space to predict the collision risk for the ISS and for satellites. They are currently tracking 23,000 objects larger than 10 centimeters.

That includes about 10,000 pieces of space debris, of which nearly 3,000 were created by a single event: a Chinese anti-satellite test in 2007 at 852km from the surface.

As a result of the Indian test, the risk of collision with the ISS has increased by 44 percent over 10 days, Bridenstine said.

But the risk will dissipate over time as much of the debris will burn up as it enters the atmosphere. DM

Watch Pauli van Wyk’s Cat Play The Piano Here!

No, not really. But now that we have your attention, we wanted to tell you a little bit about what happened at SARS.

Tom Moyane and his cronies bequeathed South Africa with a R48-billion tax shortfall, as of February 2018. It’s the only thing that grew under Moyane’s tenure… the year before, the hole had been R30.7-billion. And to fund those shortfalls, you know who has to cough up? You – the South African taxpayer.

It was the sterling work of a team of investigative journalists, Scorpio’s Pauli van Wyk and Marianne Thamm along with our great friends at amaBhungane, that caused the SARS capturers to be finally flushed out of the system. Moyane, Makwakwa… the lot of them… gone.

But our job is not yet done. We need more readers to become Maverick Insiders, the friends who will help ensure that many more investigations will come. Contributions go directly towards growing our editorial team and ensuring that Daily Maverick and Scorpio have a sustainable future. We can’t rely on advertising and don’t want to restrict access to only those who can afford a paywall subscription. Membership is about more than just contributing financially – it is about how we Defend Truth, together.

So, if you feel so inclined, and would like a way to support the cause, please join our community of Maverick Insiders…. you could view it as the opposite of a sin tax. And if you are already Maverick Insider, tell your mother, call a friend, whisper to your loved one, shout at your boss, write to a stranger, announce it on your social network. The battle for the future of South Africa is on, and you can be part of it.

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Huawei en est persuadé, il vendra plus de smartphones que Samsung en 2020

Huawei, via l’intermédiaire de son PDG Richard Yu, fait savoir qu’il compte devenir le numéro un des ventes de smartphones devant Samsung à partir de 2020. La marque chinoise envisageait même pendant un moment dépasser son concurrent dès 2019.

huawei samsung

Samsung est resté numéro 1 mondial en 2018 malgré Huawei et une baisse des ventes de smartphones, mais la situation devrait prochainement évoluer. Le PDG du constructeur chinois, Richard Yu, a fait savoir au quotidien allemand Bild qu’il avait toute confiance dans le fait que son groupe allait surpasser le géant sud-coréen l’année prochaine, en 2020.

Huawei vise la place de numéro un devant Samsung

Fin 2018, des cadres de Huawei disaient vouloir devenir numéro 1 mondial devant Samsung dès 2019. Cette ambition a donc semble-t-il été reportée d’une année. On attend encore des chiffres concrets de ventes pour le premier trimestre 2019, mais cela peut vouloir dire que Huawei n’a pas cartonné autant que prévu ou que Samsung s’est ressaisi.

Lire aussi : Quel smartphone Huawei acheter en 2019 ?

Cette dernière hypothèse est tout à fait possible puisque le Galaxy S10 se serait bien mieux vendu que le S9 et que dans le même temps, Samsung a effectué une refonte de sa gamme A. On attend notamment le 10 avril 2019 le lancement du Galaxy A90 et son écran borderless sans trou ni encoche avec caméra selfie pop-up à la Vivo Nex. On a aussi eu le Galaxy A9 Pro, premier smartphone troué de la marque avant même le S10. Le A9 proposait quant à lui un quadruple capteur photo.

Richard Yu est actuellement très présent médiatiquement, à quelques jours de la sortie des Huawei P30 et P30 Pro prévue le 5 avril 2019. Après le succès du P20, la marque a cherché à encore monter en gamme, ce qui se ressent sur les prix : comptez 799 euros pour le P30 et 999 euros minimum pour le P30 Pro.

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Man cruelly nicknamed ‘Sideshow Bob’ reveals he can’t get married because of size 19 feet

New Zealand firearm buyback cost could reach $300 million NZD

In the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attacks on March 15 which killed 50 people, New Zealand has acted swiftly to change its gun laws.
On Tuesday, a bill which proposes banning semi-automatic firearms, magazines and parts used to assemble illegal firearms passed its first reading in Parliament, gaining the support of every lawmaker in the house, bar one.

If the bill passes, gun owners will have an amnesty until September to hand in their weapons and be compensated as part of a proposed buyback scheme.

The government had previously said the proposed buyback could cost between $100 to $200 million NZD ($68 and $136 million), but on Tuesday morning Peters revised the estimate to $300 million NZD ($200 million).

“Now, this is an extravagant statement but it may well be true — it could cost up to $300 million to set what’s wrong right,” he told CNN affiliate Radio New Zealand (RNZ). He admitted the government was unable to assess the full cost of the scheme, as it didn’t know how many weapons, or what kind, it would need to buy back.

In New Zealand, gun owners require a license, but do not have to register their weapons, meaning no one knows for certain how many guns are in circulation.

The New Zealand Police estimates that there are around 1.2 million firearms in the country. As of Monday, 211 firearms had been handed in to police, with some gun owners even doing so before the proposed law changes had been announced, according to a statement from New Zealand Police.
But Nicole McKee, the secretary of the Council of Licensed Firearms Owners, disputed the government’s buyback sum, telling RNZ that the law change would cost taxpayers “billions.”

“We are very concerned about the unfair and unjust treatment of the New Zealand firearm owners,” she said on Tuesday, adding that it would make the 250,000 “law-abiding” citizens who are licensed firearm owners into criminals.

A petition opposing the proposed changes has now gained almost 15,000 signatures.
Australia also introduced a gun buyback after a shooter killed 35 people in Tasmania. The country’s then-government recovered about 640,000 prohibited weapons, according to the Australian National Audit Office.

Swift changes

The public will have two days to make a submission on the bill — a much shorter period than usual — before it goes back before Parliament next Tuesday for its second reading.

Peters has said that he expects the gun changes to come into effect by April 12, four weeks after the Christchurch terrorist attack.

The sole opposing voice in parliament on Tuesday was David Seymour, the leader of ACT, a right-wing minority party.

“I urge caution,” he told Parliament. “I urge public consultation. I urge that we do our job as a parliament and truly honor the victims of this tragedy by defending our democracy.”

Kelvin Davis, a member of parliament who is part of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s governing Labour Party, said he had handed in his own semi-automatic rifle to the police the Tuesday after the attack.

“The point is that the safety of New Zealanders is more important than my need or my right to own a semi-automatic .22,” he told lawmakers.

“We can’t say with certainty what the cost of the buyback will be … But then again, what’s the cost of an event like we saw on 15 March?”

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US officials worry paralyzing illness may grow more common

NEW YORK (AP) — One morning last fall, 4-year-old Joey Wilcox woke up with the left side of his face drooping.

It was the first sign of an unfolding nightmare.

Three days later, Joey was in a hospital intensive care unit, unable to move his arms or legs or sit up. Spinal taps and other tests failed to find a cause. Doctors worried he was about to lose the ability to breathe.

“It’s devastating,” said his father, Jeremy Wilcox, of Herndon, Virginia. “Your healthy child can catch a cold — and then become paralyzed.”

Joey, who survived but still suffers some of the effects, was one of 228 confirmed victims in the U.S. last year of acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, a rare, mysterious and sometimes deadly paralyzing illness that seems to ebb and flow on an every-other-year cycle and is beginning to alarm public health officials because it is striking more and more children.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said it may bear similarities to polio, which simmered among humans for centuries before it exploded into fearsome epidemics in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Fauci, who published a report about the disease Tuesday in the journal mBio, said it is unlikely AFM will become as bad as polio, which struck tens of thousands of U.S. children annually before a vaccine became available in the 1950s.

But he warned: “Don’t assume that it’s going to stay at a couple of hundred cases every other year.”

Other countries have reported cases, including Canada, France, Britain and Norway. But the size and pattern of the U.S. outbreaks have been more pronounced. More than 550 Americans have been struck this decade. The oldest was 32. More than 90 percent were children, most around 4, 5 or 6 years old.

Most had a cold-like illness and fever, seemed to get over it, then descended into paralysis. In some cases it started in small ways — for example, a thumb that suddenly wouldn’t move. Some went on to lose the ability to eat or draw breath.

Many families say their children have regained at least some movement in affected limbs, but stories of complete recovery are unusual. Health officials cannot say how many recovered completely, partly or not at all, or how many have died, though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says deaths are rare.

Scientists suspect the illness is being caused chiefly by a certain virus that was identified more than 55 years ago and may have mutated to become more dangerous. But they have yet to prove that.

And while doctors have deployed a number of treatments singly or in combination — steroids, antiviral medications, antibiotics, a blood-cleansing process — the CDC says there is no clear evidence they work.

Many parents say that when they first brought their child to the emergency room, they quickly realized to their horror that the doctors were at sea, too.

“Everyone is desperate for some magical thing,” said Rachel Scott, a Tombal, Texas, woman whose son Braden developed AFM in 2016 and has recovered somewhat after intensive physical therapy but still cannot move his right arm and has trouble swallowing and moving his neck.

A growing number of experts agree that physical therapy makes a difference.

“These kids can continue to recover very slowly, year over year. … It’s driven by how much therapy they do,” said Dr. Benjamin Greenberg of UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, one of the nation’s foremost experts on the condition.

Wilcox, Joey’s father, said his son made huge improvements that way. Joey can run and use his arms. Still, muscle tone is weak in his right leg and shoulder, and he still has left-side facial paralysis. “He can’t completely smile,” his dad said.

Other stories are more tragic.

Katie Bustamante’s son Alex developed AFM in 2016. The suburban Sacramento, California, mother realized something was wrong when she asked the boy, then 5, why he wasn’t eating his yogurt. Alex replied that his thumb had stopped working and he couldn’t hold his spoon.

That morning was the start of 17 months of hospital stays, surgeries, therapy, and struggles with doctors and insurers to find a way to restore his ability to breathe. It ended one morning last May, when the Bustamantes woke up to find Alex had died.

Government officials need to step up, Bustamante said.

“I want them to research it and find the cause, and I want them to find a way to prevent it,” she said. “This is growing. This shouldn’t be happening.”

More and more experts feel certain the main culprit is an enterovirus called EV-D68, based on the way waves of AFM have coincided with spikes of respiratory illnesses caused by EVD-68. Enteroviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which, such as polio, can damage the central nervous system, while many others cause mild symptoms or none at all.

In the U.S., doctors began reporting respiratory illnesses tied to EV-D68 in 1987, though usually no more than a dozen in any given year.

Then, in what may have been one of the first signs of the AFM waves to come, a 5-year-old boy in New Hampshire died in 2008 after developing neck tenderness and fever, then weakened arms and deadened legs. The boy had EVD-68, and in a report published in an obscure medical journal, researchers attributed his death to the virus.

The first real burst of AFM cases hit in 2014, when 120 were confirmed, with the largest concentrations in California and Colorado.

What ensued was an even-year, odd-year pattern: Cases dropped to 22 in 2015, jumped to 149 in 2016, and fell again, to 35 in 2017. Last year they reached 228, a number that may grow because scores of illnesses are still being investigated.

In keeping with the cyclical pattern, just four cases have been confirmed this year so far.

CDC officials consider an illness AFM based on scans and other evidence showing a certain kind of damage to the spinal cord. Proof of an enterovirus infection is not required for a case to be counted, mainly because such evidence has been hard to come by. So far, CDC investigators have been able to find evidence of enteroviruses in the spinal fluid of only four of 558 confirmed cases.

Scientists are using more sensitive spinal-fluid tests in hopes of establishing the connection between AFM and EV-D68 more firmly. That, in turn, could spur more focused work on treatments and maybe even a vaccine.

Meanwhile, Fauci’s agency has put out a call for researchers to apply for federal funds, and is tapping a University of Alabama-anchored network of pediatric research centers to work on the illness.

The CDC is pledging a greater focus, too. Parents have accused the agency of doing little more than counting cases and have complained that when they tried to contact CDC, they encountered only automated phone trees and form responses.

CDC officials have begun holding meetings and calls with families, set up a scientific task force and working to monitor cases more closely.

Fauci suggested it would be a mistake to assume that surges will take place every other year forever. The next one “may be in 2019, for all we know,” he said.


The Associated Press Health & Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

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ค่าเงินบาททรงตัว ติดตามความคืบหน้าเจรจาการค้าจีน-สหรัฐ – ประชาชาติ

Beşiktaş – Fenerbahçe derbisinde gerginlik

Karşılaşmanın 23. dakikasında Fenerbahçe‘den Oğuz Kağan ile Beşiktaş‘tan Berke arasındaki ikili mücadelede Berke yerde kalınca ortalık karıştı. Takım arkadaşlarının yerde kalmasının ardından siyah beyazlı bazı futbolcular koşarak olay yerine gelip Oğuz Kağan’a tepki gösterdiler. Fenerbahçeli futbolcular da olaya katılınca iki takım futbolcuları arasında itiş kakış ve gerginlik yaşandı.

Futbolcular arasındaki kavgayı maçın hakemi araya girerek engellemeye çalıştı. İki takım futbolcuları arasındaki gergin bir süre devam ettikten sonra karşılaşma devam etti. Karşılaşmanın ilk yarısı golsüz eşitlikle sona erdi.

Galibiyet golü 90+1’de geldi

Sarı lacivertli takımda Abdulcebrail ikinci sarıdan kırmızı kartla oyun dışında kaldı. Karşılaşmayı 10 kişi oynayan konuk takım Fenerbahçe 90+1 dakikada   Batuhan Yılmaz’ın golüyle 1-0 kazandı. Üst üste 6. galibiyetini elde eden sarı lacivertliler galibiyeti bugün doğum günü olan Fenerbahçe Kulübü Başkanı Ali Koç’a armağan etti.

iddaa’da en çok oynanan bahisleri kaçırmayın, incelemek için buraya tıklayın!


Beşiktaş - Fenerbahçe derbisinde gerginlik



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Kvinne med barnevogn voldtatt – mann siktet etter DNA-funn

PIC’s investment strategy ‘racist’ – Dr Survé

AR- und VR- Headsets werden boomen

Im Jahr 2019 werden die weltweiten Lieferungen von Augmented Reality (AR) und Virtual Reality (VR) Headsets voraussichtlich 8,9 Millionen Einheiten erreichen. Das entspricht 54,1 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr, wie der Marktforscher IDC mitteilt. Die durchschnittliche jährliche Wachstumsrate (CAGR) im Prognosezeitraum 2019 bis 2023 betrage 66,7 Prozent. Die weltweiten Versandmengen würden im Jahr 2023 auf 68,6 Millionen Einheiten steigen.

Etwas mehr als die Hälfte davon – 36,7 Millionen Einheiten – werden VR-Headsets sein, wie IDC prognostiziert. Dies entspreche einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate von 46,7 Prozent. Standalone Headsets machen den grösseren Anteil der VR-Geräte aus – nämlich 59 Prozent. Tethered Head-Mounted Displays (HMD) folgen mit 37, 4 Prozent. Die restlichen knapp 4 Prozent seien Screenless Viewers – also Geräte wie das Samsung Gear VR, die ohne eigenes Display auskommen.

Das grosse Wachstum kommt von den AR-Headsets: Hier liegt die Wachstumsrate gemäss IDC bei knapp 141 Prozent. Der Teilmarkt erreiche bis 2023 sogar fast die Grösse des VR-Segments. 2023 sollen laut dem Marktforscher rund 31,9 Millionen Einheiten ausgeliefert werden. Auch hier hätten mit 17,6 Millionen ausgelieferten Einheiten und 55,3 Prozent Marktanteil im Jahr 2023 die Standalone Headsets die Nase vorn. HMDs hingegen werden bis 2023 einen Anteil von 44,3 Prozent ausmachen. Screenless Viewers werden weniger als 1 Prozent ausmachen.

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Adieu, Google+ –

Heute wird die soziale Plattform Google+ endgültig dichtgemacht. Noch können Sie Ihre Daten retten.

Bereits im letzten Oktober wurde bekannt, dass es App-Entwicklern jahrelang möglich war, auf der Social-Media-Plattform Google+ gewisse private Nutzerdaten auszuspionieren. Schuld daran war eine Software-Panne. Als Konsequenz beschloss der Suchmaschinist, das Netzwerk definitiv zu schliessen – auch wenn kein Hinweis auf Datenmissbrauch vorliege.

Im Februar wurde das Anlegen neuer Accounts gestoppt, seit dem 7. März ist es nicht mehr möglich, Kommentare zu veröffentlichen – und heute soll nun die grosse Abschaltung, respektive das Löschen der Profile aus dem Netzwerk erfolgen.

Nach einem kurzen Test können wir bestätigen, dass es aktuell noch möglich ist, seine kompletten Profildaten herunterzuladen und so zu sichern. Wie das geht, erfahren Sie hier. Allerdings: Wenn Sie einen Download planen, so machen Sie es lieber jetzt als in einer halben Stunde. Man weiss nicht genau, wie lange es noch möglich ist.

Wir verabschieden uns somit von dem 2011 als Facebook-Konkurrenten lancierten Netzwerk. Ciao!

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Mick Jagger to undergo heart surgery in NYC this week, reports say

Donald Trump urges disaster relief for ‘great farmers’ &ndash…

On Twitter – where else? — President Donald Trump on Monday plugged a disaster relief bill aimed at Georgia and many other areas of the country that’s become mired in the U.S. Senate:

Democrats should stop fighting Sen. David Perdue’s disaster relief bill. They are blocking funding and relief for our great farmers and rural America!

The office of U.S. Sen. David Perdue quickly thanked the president via press release. From Perdue:

“Every day we continue debating disaster relief is a day people across the country face crippling uncertainty. It’s time to put aside individual political interests and pass this disaster relief bill for Americans who are depending on us.”

Couple things:

— Notice that Trump called it “David Perdue’s disaster relief bill.” The bill, which locally would target rural victims of last year’s Hurricane Michael, has actually been a joint project of both Perdue and his Georgia colleague, Johnny Isakson. Which tells you that there may be some lingering resentment in the White House over Isakson’s condemnation of the president’s “deplorable” remarks about the late U.S. Sen. John McCain.

In his thank-you press release, Perdue was careful to share the credit with Isakson.

— Both Trump and Perdue skipped over the primary obstacle the disaster relief bill has faced: The president’s antipathy toward more relief for Puerto Rico, which remains devastated by back-to-back hurricanes in 2017, and Senate Democratic support for the same. This Washington Post article has the background that includes these paragraphs:

The federal government provided additional food-stamp aid to Puerto Rico after the hurricane, but Congress missed the deadline for reauthorization in March as it focused on other issues before leaving for a week-long recess. Federal lawmakers have also been stalled by the Trump administration, which has derided the extra aid as unnecessary.

Now, about 43 percent of Puerto Rico’s residents are grappling with a sudden cut to a benefit they rely on for groceries and other essentials.

And while Congress may address this issue soon, the lapse underscores the broader vulnerability of Puerto Rico’s economy, as well as key parts of its safety net, to the whims of an increasingly hostile federal government with which it has feuded over key priorities.

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About the Author

Jim Galloway

Jim Galloway

Jim Galloway is a three-decade veteran of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution who writes the Political Insider blog and column.

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พัทยาอ่วม พายุฤดูร้อนเล่นงาน ฝนซัด 2ชม. ท่วม! น้ำทะลัก ไหลเชี่ยว รถติดเป็นอัมพาต

พัทยาอ่วม พายุฤดูร้อนเล่นงาน ฝนซัด 2ชม. ท่วม! น้ำทะลัก ไหลเชี่ยว รถติดเป็นอัมพาต

จากกรณี กรมอุตุฯได้ประกาศเตือนพายุฝนโดยได้ระบุว่า ช่วง วันที่ 31 มีนาคม – 3เมษายน 2562 ประเทศไทยตอนบนจะมีพายุฤดูร้อนเกิดขึ้น โดยมีลักษณะของพายุฝนฟ้าคะนองลมกระโชกแรง และมีลูกเห็บตกบางพื้นที่ รวมถึงมีฟ้าผ่าโดยจะเริ่มจากภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ และภาคตะวันออกก่อนส่วนภาคกลางและภาคเหนือจะได้รับผลกระทบในวันถัดไป

จึงขอให้ประชาชนในบริเวณดังกล่าวระวังอันตรายจากพายุฤดูร้อนที่จะเกิดขึ้นโดยหลีกเลี่ยงการอยู่ในที่โล่งแจ้ง ใต้ต้นไม้ใหญ่ สิ่งปลูกสร้างและป้ายโฆษณาที่ไม่แข็งแรงรวมถึงระวังอันตรายจากฟ้าผ่าสำหรับเกษตรกรควรเตรียมการป้องกันและระวังความเสียหายที่จะเกิดต่อผลผลิตทางการเกษตรไว้ด้วยนั้น

ล่าสุดวันที่ 2 เม.ย. ผู้สื่อข่าวรายานว่า ในเมืองพัทยา อ.บางละมุง จ.ชลบุรี มีพายุฝนตกลงมาอย่างหนักต่อเนื่องกว่า 2 ชม. ทำให้หลายพื้นที่เกิดภาวะน้ำท่วมขัง อยู่ระหว่างรอการระบาย การจราจรติดขัดไม่สามารถสัญจรผ่านได้  ในเมืองพัทยา อ.บางละมุง จ.ชลบุรี มีพายุฝนตกลงมาอย่างหนักต่อเนื่องกว่า 2 ชม. ทำให้หลายพื้นที่เกิดภาวะน้ำท่วมขัง อยู่ระหว่างรอการระบาย ทำให้การจราจรติดขัดไม่สามารถสัญจรผ่านได้

จากการตรวจสอบบริเวณ ถนนสุขุมวิทพัทยาใต้ ซึ่งเป็นเส้นทางหลักในการสัญจรผ่านเมืองพัทยา พบว่าขณะนี้มีน้ำท่วมสูงกว่า 1 เมตร การจราจรถูกตัดขาด รถยนต์และจักรยานยนต์ไม่สามารถสัญจรผ่านได้ รถยนต์เครื่องยนต์ดับเสียหายหลายคัน มีเพียงรถทัวร์ หรือรถที่มีความสูงมากๆ ถึงจะผ่านเส้นทางนี้ได้ โดยเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ และเทศกิจเมืองพัทยา ได้เข้ามาปิดกั้นเส้นทาง พร้อมอำนวยและให้ความช่วยเหลือประชาชน

ไม่พลาดข่าวสำคัญ แค่กดเป็นเพื่อนกับ ไลน์@ข่าวสด ที่นี่

ด้านถนนซอยเขาน้อย ยาวไปถึงถนนเลียบทางรถไฟมุ่งหน้าซอยเขาตาโล ซึ่งเป็นจุดที่นำ้ท่วมสูงทุกครั้งที่ฝนตกหนัก พบว่ามีปริมานน้ำท่วมขังสูงระดับ 50 ซ.ม. ถึง 1 เมตร การจราจรติดขัดไม่สามารถผ่านได้ ผู้ใช้รถใช้ถนนจะต้องวนรถกลับเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงเส้นทางน้ำท่วม

ส่วนถนนสายในตัวเมืองพัทยา อาทิ ถนนพัทยาสาย3 ถนนซอยบัวขาว และถนนเลียบชายหาด มีปริมานน้ำท่วมขังสูงประมาน 30 – 50 ซม. การจราจรยังพอสัญจรผ่านได้ แต่ค่อนข้างติดขัด อย่างไรก็ตาม หลังฝนหยุดตกประมาน 1 ชม. ปริมานน้ำท่วมขังจะค่อยๆลดระดับลงจนเข้าสู่สภาวะปกติต่อไป

ขณะที่ผู้ใช้เฟซบุ๊กชื่อ Krittacha Chotiprayanakul ได้โพสต์คลิปและภาพเหตุการณ์ ขณะที่เกิดฝนตกลงมาอยางหนัก บริเวณบ้านพักของตนเอง โดยระบุพิกัดที่บริเวณ เขาตาโล เมืองพัทยาครั้งนี้ท่วมหนักที่สุดในรอบปีครับ ชาวบ้านช่วยกันเก็บถังขยะที่ปลิวมา กระแสน้ำแรงมากครับที่เขาตาโล

คลิป/ภาพ : Krittacha Chotiprayanakul 

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